Evolution and experiment

It all began in Africa and so did this

In the beginning it was just an experiment to gain insight into indigenous creation and product methodology so that we could harness the untapped art and beauty of basket weaving in Djibouti, Africa, into a vibrant international business, where we in the process, created local celebrity in the journey to making this attempt a reality. The alternate reality was that if we didn't capture those moments of creation, that in a very short time the necessity for the passing on of the art of basket weaving in Djibouti from Mother to Daughter, and so on, would vanish.

When we look back at our goals and our idea, I feel that we were in fact on the right track, albeit not prepared enough for the realities of the locations that our little experiment was attempted. But then that was the point wasn't it? To learn how it all could work.

At the time this all started, the future was not clear and this was a side project started had a bit of success and then set of a shelf for nearly 7 years before being brought back to life in 2015, through a rather interesting turn of events that may have redefined and shaped our mission forever. We invite you to join us and grow us into the community and company that we know we could be and that we know that the world needs and we come together and join hands around the world, country to country.

drop US a line

feel free to contact us with questions, comments, and how you can join us wherever you are in the world.